Torment: Tides of Numenera Merchants are covered on this page. More information will be added as it becomes available.
- Prata sells Cyphers (Circus Minor)
- Mechela sells Armor, Weapons and Cyphers (Underbelly)
- Sangolin sells Armor (Government Square)
- Casmeen sells Items (Circus Minor)
- Madelia Glittering sells Items and Bonded (Cliff's Edge)
- Tantalum sell Weapons, Armor and Cyphers (Valley of Dead Heroes)
- Lady Anshe sells Weapons, Armor, Cyphers, Usable Items and Bonded Items (Miel Avest)
- Skaydi sells Weapons, Cyphers and Bonded Items (Memovira's Couryard)
- Sundermun the Elder sells Weapons, Armor, Cyphers and Bonded Items (The Vast Interior)
- Ioxu sells Usable Items, Cyphers, Ranged Weapons and Bonded Items (The Vast Interior)
- Sheen sells Cyphers (Chiurgeon Slump)
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